
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Mass Effect 3 Getting Multiplaer DLC

March 13, 2012

First off I'd like to say sorry for not making any posts in the past couple of weeks, my computer broke and I had t get a new one, but anyway back to business as usual.

Some leaked photos from reddit have revealed new characters for the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, including Batarians, geth, Asari Justicars and even a Krogan Battlemaster (that one sounds awesome.)

Some have speculated that these will be DLC codes that will be found in the future series of Mass Effect action figures, hey you got your Skylanders in my Mass Effect. Even if this is true, I wouldn't mind having a action figure of Wrex by my side. Expect BioWare to reveal more on this in the upcoming month.


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