
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Punisher: War Zone Coming This October

June 29, 2012 0 comments

All this week Marvel has been teasing This Is War, well now Marvel has released another image that gives us a better look at what is going on and why Iron Man has bullets in his head and why Thor's hammer is cracked. This October, Punisher will be coming to make The Avengers life problematic in "Punisher: War Zone". No information has been released other than the teaser images, who is behind the comic and that "Punisher: War Zone" will be out sometime in Octob...

Marvel Releasing Avengers Assembled Blu-Ray Collection

June 29, 2012 0 comments

Marvel will be pleasing Marvel Movie Universe fans with Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One - Avengers Assembled, which is a 10 disc limited edition Blu-Ray collection. This collection comes with Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers. It is not known whether or not the four other discs will just be bonus content nor is the release date for this known, but we do know that the price for this collection will be $219. ...

Marvel Teases This Is War

June 29, 2012 0 comments

A war is coming in October for the Marvel Universe as Marvel has been releasing teaser images of an upcoming event being titled This Is War. So far images of Wolverine being burned, Thor's hammer cracked, blood on Captain America's shield, bullet holes in Iron Man's mask and a rifle pinning down Spider-Man have been released.  More news about This Is War will be released during Comic-Con International on July 5 during the Amazing Spider-Man Panel. ...

The Amazing Spider-Man Coming To Steam This Summer

June 29, 2012 0 comments

This Summer, PC users will be able to swing around as Spider-Man as The Amazing Spider-Man will be out for the PC via Steam. The game will be out on Steam on August 10 and will come loaded with Steam Achievemen...

Pokémon Black And White 2 Release Date

June 29, 2012 0 comments

A release date has been announced for Pokémon Black and White 2 for North America. Both versions will be out on October 7 for the DS. Along with Pokémon Black and White 2, Pokémon Dream Radar will also be released on October 7. Pokémon Dream Radar allows players to use the 3DS' augmented reality in order to capture Pokémon and transfer them into Pokémon Black and White...

Amazing Spider-Man #692 Introduces A Sidekick

June 27, 2012 0 comments

Story - Dan Slott Art - Humbert Ramos Release Date - July 22, 2012 Marvel is continuing to celebrate Spider-Man's 50th anniversary with Amazing Spider-Man #692. This issue introduces a new character into Peter Parker's life, Andy Maguire. And with Andy Maguire in the picture, the amazing Spider-Man will not longer be going solo. Andy Maguire will be Spider-Man's sidekick as he goes under the alias "Alpha".  Andy gets his powers after visiting Horizon Labds where an experiment from Peter Parker went wrong. ...

Adult Swim Offers Robot Chicken Hat For Team Fortress 2

June 27, 2012 0 comments

Last week Adult Swim and Valve teamed up in order to bring something to the game. Today Adult Swim has unveiled that it will be a hat, no surprise honestly. The Robot Chicken Hat is only available when you sign up for Adult Swim's newsletter, from there you will get a code and you then will be able to activate through Steam. You must sign up before July 4 in order to get the h...

Meet The Pyro Introduces Source Filmmaker

June 27, 2012 0 comments

In addition to the Meet the Pyro short, Valve also unveiled Source Filmmaker, which is what Meet the Pyro was made from, to be free to use by anyone who owns Team Fortress 2. Source Filmmaker won't be out until later this year, but it is currently in a closed beta. ...

Meet the Pyro

June 27, 2012 0 comments

At long last, the final video in the "Meet the Team" Series has been unleashed onto the world, Get a chance to see what the Pyro see through his/hers/its eyes, and it's not what you quite think. I don't think I'll look at Pyro the same way ever again...

Far Cry 3 Release Date Gets Pushed Back

June 25, 2012 0 comments

Originally coming out this September, Ubisoft has announced today that Far Cry 3's release date will be pushed back a few months. “We’re taking more time to create the best possible gameplay experience,” said Dan Hay, producer at Ubisoft. “Far Cry 3 is a huge offering and we want every element of this insane, action-packed adventure to be of the highest possible quality for the players.” Far Cry 3 will now come out on December 4 in the U.S. and on November 29 in Europe for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 3...

Valve and Team Fortress 2 Presents the Pyromania Update: Day One

June 25, 2012 0 comments

After a weird week of small updates and events, Team Fortress 2 has revealed the Pyromania Update. On the first day we have been revealed not only a new map but a new new game mode as well. The new Map titled: Doomsday pits RED and BLU in a race to deliver Nukes to Poopy Joe's Australium powered rocket to fight the evil Russian Space Chimp, Vladamir Bananas, I'm not joking. Each team races to get the necessary fuel and nukes and race to deliver it to a small elevator to deliver the goods to the space ship. The new map and mode will feature 7 new achievements  to unlock. will there be a prize like they did for Foundry? Who knows. You...

Pyro Blog Post Hints Meet The Pyro

June 22, 2012 0 comments

Speculation of Meet the Pyro coming out today might be a reality as a new blog post from Team Fortress 2's web site was written by "The Pyro" "Mmmmph mmmmph, mmmmm mmmmmp mmmmmph. Mmmmmph mpm! Mmmmmph mph mm! Hm mmmmmph, hmmmmph mm mmmmmph mmmmmph!" is all that the blog post says. Keep your eyes open on Team Fortress 2 today as it is rumored that the Meet the Pyro video is coming out today along with a mysterious upda...

New Animal Crossing 3DS Trailer

June 22, 2012 1 comments

A new trailer for Animal Crossing 3DS has been released yesterday along with new information for the game, such as Tortimer will no longer be the mayor, instead you will be the mayor and direct town activities. The game will also include new villagers, like a deer, and old ones will be returning with more and new personalities. All shops will also be at the mall that is outside of your main town. Animal Crossing 3DS will be out this Fall in Japan and early 2013 in Europe. A North American release date has not been given yet. ...

Adult Swim And Valve Team Up

June 22, 2012 0 comments

Today Adult Swim has announced that they will be teaming up with Valve for something. All we know is that it is Team Fortress 2 related and that whatever both Adult Swim and Valve is coming up with will be out next week. If you want to keep up with what's going on, just head over to the site and sign up for the news lett...

Mass Effect 3 Extended Ending Coming This Tuesday

June 22, 2012 0 comments

BioWare's extended ending for Mass Effect 3 is right around the corner as the developers have said today that the ending will come out on June 26 for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. "The Extended Cut is an expansion of the original endings to Mass Effect 3," BioWare said. "It does not fundamentally change the endings, but rather it expands on the meaning of the original endings, and reveals greater detail on the impact of player decisions." The additional ending will be free and finally gives closure that Mass Effect fans have been wanti...

Get Plants Vs Zombie Items For New Sims 3 Expansion

June 22, 2012 0 comments

Last week EA announced that a new Sims 3 expansion is on its way and it involves the supernatural as zombies, werewolves and magic will all be involved. In this new expansion, EA will be bringing Plants vs Zombies into Sims 3. Pre-ordering the Supernatural expansion pack will allow players to get Plants vs Zombies content, such as cone hats, ragged clothing, a Peashooter turret and more. If you pre-order Supernatural from EA's Origin store, then you will be able to get an Eerie Plantern Lamp, Bug-Eyed Wall-Nut Sculptures, Iconic Zombie Gnomes, Brain Flag Sculptu...

Nintendo Announces Developers For New Super Smash Bros.

June 21, 2012 0 comments

Today Nintendo has announced some special news for the new Super Smash Bros. game. Nintendo will not be the lead developer for the the game, instead developers Namco Bandai Games and Namco Bandai Studio will be behind it along with Mashiro Sakurai, creator of Super Smash Bros., and his studio, Sora Ltd. Nintendo is going in the same direction as they did with Super Smash Bros. Brawl where multiple developers  had a part in the game. For Brawl, Nintendo had Monolith Soft, Paon and Game Arts develop the ga...

Kirby's 20th Anniversary Game Collection's Release Date

June 21, 2012 0 comments

Last week Nintendo announced the games that will be included in Kirby's 20th anniversary game - Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition. Now today, Nintendo has announced when the special edition will be out. Including Kirby's Dream Land, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby's Dream Land 2, Kirby Super Star, Kirby's Dream Land 3 and Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition will be coming out on September 16 in North America for the Wii. The special edition will also include a timeline, a soundtrack and collectible bo...

Back In Action

June 20, 2012 0 comments

Hello everybody! I'm sure you guys have noticed that the blog hasn't been updated in about a week, that is due to my computer breaking down and not being able to do anything internet related (which was quite horrible). I now have another computer to use until my other one is fixed and will be updating the blog on a semi regular basis as I try to get some data on my other hard drives. Also, if anyone is interested my Team Fortress 2 clan is holding a competition and I will be hosting a live stream event at 3:00 pm Pacific Time. So if you are bored and have nothing to do, why not and watch some TF2 players go against eachoth...

The Last Guardian Is Still Being Worked On

June 7, 2012 0 comments

Unfortunately nothing was shown at Sony's E3 Press Conference for The Last Guardian, but it doesn't mean any information about the game was given out. Actually, there wasn't any new information at all for The Last Guardian, instead there was just a reminder that the game is still in development. "There are some technical issues being addressed. There’s not much to show what it looks like," says Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony's Worldwide Studios. "This period of time we are unable to give an update, but the game is still in development." It's good to know that Sony hasn't given up on The Last Guardi...

Comic List - 6/5/2012

June 5, 2012 0 comments

Action Comics #10 Animal Man #10 Batman Detective Comics HC Vol. 01 Faces of Death Batwing #10 Before Watchmen Minutemen #1 (of 6) Detective Comics #10 Dial H #2 Fairest #4 GI Combat #2 Green Arrow #10 Green Lantern Corps Revolt of Alpha Lanterns TPB I Zombie #26 Justice League International #10 Looney Tunes #207 Night Force #4 (of 7) Red Lanterns #10 Red Lanterns TPB Vol. 01 Blood and Rage Scooby Doo Where Are You #22 Smallville Season 11 #2 Stormwatch #10 Swamp Thing #10 Sweet Tooth #34 Worlds Finest #2 Activity TPB VOl. 01 Artifacts #18 Avengelyne #9 Blue Estate #12 Carbon Grey Vol. 02 #1 (of 3) Epic...

The Amazing Spider-Man E3 Trailer

June 5, 2012 1 comments

A new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man has been released today with mostly new footage. It's a simple and straight forward trailer showing Spider-Man thwip, thwap and punch. The Amazing Spider-Man will be out  on June 26, 2012 for the PlayStation 3, PC, Xbox 360, Wii, DS and 3DS. ...

New Avengers: Battle For Earth Screenshots Indicates It Might Be A Fighting Game

June 5, 2012 0 comments

Yesterday Ubisoft showed off Avengers: Battle for Earth with a trailer, today new screenshots for the game has been released showing off that it could possibly be a fighting game. The game will have 20 different Marvel characters to play as with each having four different and unique attacks. It is not officially confirmed that it is a fighting game or what kind of game it is for that matter, but there does seem to be a good chance that it will be. Avengers: Battle for Earth will be out this Fall and will utilize Wii U's motion control and the Xbox 360's Kinect. ...

New Elder Scrolls Online Trailer And Screenshots

June 5, 2012 0 comments

A teaser trailer for Bethesda's MMO game Elder Scrolls Online trailer has been released today during E3. The cinematic trailer surely is crisp, but it doesn't explain anything about the game too much still. The screenshots that were also released today shows a little more though more being the environment of Elder Scrolls online. ...

Dead Island Riptide Announced

June 5, 2012 0 comments

Deep Silver has announced today at E3 that they're not quite finished with the Dead Island franchise yet. Especially when they have just announced Dead Island Riptide, a sequel to Dead Island. There really isn't much information, the only other information we have is that it will be out for the consoles and PC and that more news will be coming this Summ...

Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition Revealed for Wii U

June 5, 2012 0 comments

During Nintendo's E3 conference, several third-party titles were announced that were coming to the Wii U, the first one being Arkham City Armored Edition. The game will utilize the new touch=pad controller to use and equip gadgets in never before seen ways. The game will also have Batman and Catwoman in an exclusive armored skin. More can be seen in this trailer...

Paper Mario: Sticker Star Announced (Video)

June 5, 2012 0 comments

Mario RPG fans will be glad to hear that Mario is coming back in paper form in Paper Mario: Sticker Star on the 3DS. Paper Mario: Sticker Star will have the same shoebox diorama-style feel of Paper Mario but it will have a bit of a 3D twist to it. Players will have to collect stickers throughout the world that grants him different abilities to use in battle. Paper Mario: Sticker Star will be out this holiday season on the 3DS [A video will be posted once it is onlin...

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