
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

The Avengers Assembles With A New Team

November 18, 2011

It's that time of year where new Avengers will be picked to fight along side Captain America and Iron Man, old faces return and new ones will stand along side Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Rebuilding is the key for the Avengers, whether it be destroyed towns after the events in Fear Itself or rebuilding trust and faith into everyone around the world.

Prior to the newly announced Avengers teamed we had Iron Man, Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, The Protector, Captain America, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Red Hulk and Thor fighting alongside one another, but with Thor gone along with Bucky being "dead" Captain turned to an old friend who served in the early years of the Avengers.

Black Panther was first on Captain America's list for recruits, but with what's going on in Black Panther's life with Hell's Kitchen, he declines Captain America's offer for he does not have the ability to be the protector of Hell's Kitchen and be an Avenger at the same time. Instead of leaving Cap hanging, he refers him to someone else who can offer enough firepower and will be a fine replacement for Black Panther - Storm.

The Avengers now gain a new member but they also gained a very old and familiar friend when Tony Stark surprises everyone with his latest project he has been working on. The Vision makes a triumphant return as Tony has been working on rebuilding him after his death.

Captain America had one last member to recruit and it had to be someone who he trusted, that's why he chose Daisy Johnson, a.k.a. Quake, who is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and has been personally trained by Nick Fury himself in the Secret Warriors. She's as tough as Nick Fury and seems to have potential to be an Avenger.

During the press conference revealing the new members of Avengers, everyone was in for a real surprise when Norman Osborn storms through the crowd of news reporters to get retribution for his detainment without a trial. Already off the bat is the Avengers going to deal with a big problem, but we will have to wait until the next issue to find out what Norman is planning and to see how the Avengers will react to him untimely appearance.

The new team now consists of Iron Man, Captain America, The Red Hulk, Daisy Johnson, Storm, Vision, Spider-Woman, Hawkeye and The Protector. It seems like Wolverine and Spider-Man did not make the final cut, but it's okay since they are on Luke Cage's New Avengers. That doesn't explain what happened to Maria Hill though, I'm glad she's gone though, I think Daisy Johnson can easily fill her role but not be as annoying. I kind of wish that Hawkeye wasn't on the team just because of his new role that forces him to be on the west coast of the country since he's now a full time teacher at Avengers Academy.

This issue of Avengers was great, I'm glad that Bendis is bringing back Vision and I'm interested to see how Storm is going to hold up as an Avenger, but I'm definitely more interested in how Vision is going to be during the Ultron attack that was featured in Point One. I myself am not that fond of Daniel Acuña's art, I really dislike how he draws certain people but Bendis' writing evened it out; I'm really surprised of the lack of Bendis Speak that went on. Best part of this issue though was when Storm was introduced and what Luke Cage had to say about her being a part of the team.

I'm mainly glad that this didin't end up a new ongoing Avengers titles, we don't need that, especially since Marvel has been cancelling a handful of titles already. 


  1. thatboytitz said...:

    Wolverine and Spider-man did make the cut. They just didn't feel like being outside with the press. Weirdos.

  1. Androo said...:

    Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Bendis slowly starts to show them less and less; it just kind of seemed like that's what he was already doing

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