
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Marvel Anime

June 18, 2011

I have never really paid that much attention to the Marvel Anime until I started watching the trailers and openings. I remember watching the Wolverine and Iron Man trailer months ago; I really disliked the Wolverine one but really enjoyed the Iron Man one, then I saw the X-Men and Blade openings. This is how I see it:

X-Men > Iron Man > Blade > Wolverine

The X-Men Anime trailer and opening was pretty kickass, and I'm not that into Anime that much.I think one reason why I don't like Wolverine is because of how he looks, he looks to much like a pretty boy in the anime. I'm not too sure if I'm remembering this right though, but the trailer I saw for Iron Man, I think I saw him fighting a pirate that had a floating ship; I don't know if I'm imagining it or not, but I'm trying to find the video to see if I'm going crazy or not.

I'm happy that they're releasing a dubbed version of the Animes in July on G4, which I won't be watching on G4, I'll most likely just watch them online if they are uploaded to the G4 site. It would be more interesting on Adult Swim in my opinion. I'm surprised Adult Swim didn't jump on it and try to get Marvel Anime to be on their block, it would probably bring in more viewers since G4 is limited due to it not being provided by Dish T.V.


Iron Man




  1. thatboytitz said...:

    From the anime nerds who watched it undubbed, they say Iron-man is the worst one and that it was the biggest let down from the trailer. Wolverine on the other hand, had the shittiest trailer but was a really good one. I can't really confirm or deny that since I didn't watch it but that's what they said.

  1. Androo said...:

    Well if that's true, then my mind will be blown.

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