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Netflix Knows Nothing About A 3D Service

July 14, 2011

A big thing about Netflix being on Nintendo is the 3D streaming, but Netflix knows has no 3D service for their customers. It seems like Nintendo and Netflix are having some type of communication problem, Nintendo's press release for the the Netflix service states that:

"The new Netflix application for Nintendo 3DS displays movies and TV episodes in 2D on the system's upper screen. Users will soon have access to an additional library of select movies that can be viewed in 3D without the need for special glasses."

Obviously Netflix is the one who will have to provide 3D service since Nintendo has no control over that. But Netflix's vice president of communication, Steve Swasey, says that they have no announcement about a 3D service. 
Netflix says there's no 3D service but Nintendo is offering 3D service, something sure doesn't seem right here. We'll play the waiting game for more news to unfold about this communication problem.


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