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Will the Wii U Support 3D?

July 6, 2011

Mercury News had an interview with Satoru Iwata but with one question that stands out from the rest. "Is the Wii U Going to Support 3-D?" In which Iwata replied

"If you are going to connect Wii U with a home TV capable of displaying 3-D images, technologically, yes, it is going to be possible, but that's not the area we are focusing on.
When it comes to 3-D, we already have the 3DS, and each owner of the Nintendo 3DS is capable of viewing 3-D images. However, when it comes to the home console, it depends upon the availability of 3-D TV sets at home, which, unfortunately, is not expanding enough. And rather than pouring a lot of energy into that kind of area, with the Wii U we'd like to focus more on each Wii U owner being able to have an equal opportunity to enjoy it."

The Wii U might not be 3D capable unless a 3D TV set blows Nintendo's mind and catches their attention; the chance for the Wii U to have 3D looks quite slim. I personally do not mind if it won't have 3D since I neither own a TV capable of the third dimension nor am I even slightly interested in 3D gaming experience; I really do not think that 3D will make such a boom for gaming, especially with the prices of the TVs.


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