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Gears of War 3 has gone gold

August 22, 2011

Even though the game wont be out for another few weeks, series creator Cliff Bleszinski and EPIC games are happy to announce that Gears of War 3 has finally gone gold.

Get it? "Gone gold". Ha...

For those of you who don't know the term, going "Gold" means the coding of the entire game is complete and is ready to be mass produced and published throughout the world.

The team over at EPIC Studios celebrated this occasion with a special cake shaped like a special Gears of War Xbox 360 with a congratulatory message on the side.

It would be cooler if they use the lancer chainsaw...

The only thing left to do is buy the game September 20th and to give my review. So keep your lancers warm in the mean-time.


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