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The New Ultimate Spider-Man Might Be Gay?

August 3, 2011

Bad things tend to happen when mass media gets a hold of comic book related news, usually they over exaggerate about something or they just completely get their facts wrong. In this case, Mail Online, obviously didn't get their facts straight.

The author of the article says that, "But another surprise could be in the pipeline after his creators said that in the future they would not rule out making him gay."

Last time I checked the USA Today article, which is the only company that talked to Bendis about the new Spider-Man, no one said anything about Miles Morales being gay. The only related thing was when Sara Pichelli, the artist behind the new Spider-Man design, said, "Maybe sooner or later a black or gay - or both - hero will be considered something absolutely normal." 

Nowhere does it say that the new Spider-Man will be gay, this is why i generally dislike media getting a hold on comic book related news, they never do it right most of the time.


  1. Lol, that's just terrible. When I was reading up on the new Spidey on a site the author joked that they should just make him gay to hit the minority trifecta. Guess everybody else thought so as well. -_-

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