
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Bioware Reveals the Cast of Mass Effect 3

January 31, 2012 0 comments

A new trailer has spawned revealing the voice cast for Mass Effect 3, and I'm glad to see that everyone is returning to reprise their role. However We do have a brand new character reveal (and possibly a new squadmate)I'm still hoping that Steve Blum return's as Wrex for this ga...

HD Remake Of The Simpsons Arcade Game Coming To The PSN

January 31, 2012 1 comments

The Simpsons will be hitting the PSN next month in the form of a ported Simpsons Arcade Game. Originally a rumor, the Simpsons Arcade Game will come back in the form of a digital game on the PlayStation 3. Sony has confirmed that the game will be released on February 7; PlayStation Plus members are able to get the game for free as long as you get it before March 1, it is not known if non-PlayStation Plus members will be able to get the game or n...

PlayStation Vita Digital Games Cheaper Than Retail Versions

January 31, 2012 0 comments

Today Sony has announced that downloadable PlayStation Vita games will not cost the same as retail games, instead they will be a little bit cheaper. "There will be a discount," Sony said. "Exact details will be revealed in the very near future." In Japan, digital PlayStation Vita games are $10 cheaper. Best Buy though has a price guide for digital Vita games that have them $5 cheaper than the retail versions, but Sony has not officially confirmed the exact price reduction. Best Buy's price guide for digital Vita ga...

Stephen Amell To Play Oliver Queen In "Arrow"

January 31, 2012 0 comments

After two weeks of ordering a pilot of a Green Arrow live action show, The CW has found the actor to portray Oliver Queen. Stephen Amell, who has worked on "Heartland", "The Vampire Diaries" and other shows, has been hired to play Oliver Queen. Just a couple of weeks ago a pilot episode has been ordered for "Arrow" and has Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim, "Green Lantern" screenwriters, and Andrew Kreisberg, co-executive producer of "Fringe" working on it....

Marvel Teases The Avengers Super Bowl Trailer

January 31, 2012 0 comments

During a live Twitter event for The Avengers hosted by Marvel, a new trailer was released to tease a new trailer for The Avengers that will appear during Super Bowl XLVI on February 5. The trailer shows the city of New York in panic and disarray as the Avengers and citizens are being attacked by unknown spacecrafts. Who those spacecrafts belong to, no body knows. ...

The Sinister Six Returns In "Ends Of The Earth"

January 31, 2012 0 comments

Marvel is bringing back the Sinister Six in The Amazing Spider-Man as Marvel released a new teaser image for a new Spider-Man arc titled "Ends of the Earth." Dan Slott will be working on Spider-Man's new adventure with art by Stefano Caselli. "Ends of the Earth" will start with Amazing Spider-Man #682 and will last for four issues. The Sinister Six returns with Otto Octavius leading them for a global takeover. "We've seen Doc Ock and the Sinister Six slowly building and percolating this master plan," Slott said. "On the way it's stretched out into the Marvel Universe proper. We've seen Doc Ock totally smack down Iron Man. He totally wiped...

Dragon's Dogma Will Give Players Early Resident Evil 6 Demo

January 31, 2012 0 comments

If you're itching to get your hands on Resident Evil 6 then you can get a demo version of it. In order to get a demo version of Resident Evil 6, you will have to buy Dragon's Dogma in May according to Capcom. Retail versions of the game will contain a redeemable token that will allow players to download the Resident Evil 6 demo. If players do not get Dragon's Dogma, then they will have to wait much later to try out the demo. Xbox 360 users can obtain the demo fro free on July 3 whereas PlayStation 3 users will get the demo September 4 in North America and Japan with Europe getting it on September...

Bungie Giving Halo Player Data To 343 Industries

January 31, 2012 0 comments

Bungie has released a statement today announcing that all player data that they have for Halo will no longer be handled by themselves at the end of March. The player data will be given to Halo's new development company, 343 Industries, on March 31. From there all data will then be handled by 343 Industries. "Bungie will no longer be able to update game stats and player service records, to host new user generated content, or to operate the Bungie Pro service," says Bungie. "All currently supported, Bungie-developed Halo titles will be impacted by this change. "Any replacement functionality, and all future Halo support, will be provided...

Twisted Metal Demo Hits Today

January 31, 2012 0 comments

Don't forget Twisted Metal fans that Sony is released a demo for the upcoming Twisted Metal game on the PSN. The demo has limited features of course, but here is what the demo does have: Eight vehicles to choose from, each with their own unique special weapons Two multiplayer modes: Classic free-for-all Death Match, and team-based Nuke mode—a Twisted take on Capture the Flag that’s brand new to the series Challenge mode, where you can practice with each vehicle to hone your destructive skil...

Dragon's Dogma Gets Pushed Back To May, New Trailer Released

January 31, 2012 0 comments

More details has comes out today for Dragon's Dogma in a form of a trailer that shows what the story is about along with more dragon screen time. The game is an open world RPG that allows you to make decisions that will affect your gameplay and story. Dragon's Dogma has also been pushed back to May 22 in North America and May 25 in Europe....

Avengers Vs X-men #0 Preview

January 30, 2012 0 comments

Story - Brian Michael Bendis Art - Frank Cho Cover - Frank Cho, Stephanie Hans, Jimmy Cheaung Release Date - March 28, 2012 The Scarlet Witch is making a triumphant return in Avengers vs. X-Men #0 after the events of the Young Avengers bringing her back. Along with her return, M.O.D.O.K. comes at the Scarlet Witch for unknown reasons. ...

Catch Never Before Scene Footage Of The Amazing Spider-Man

January 30, 2012 0 comments

Many people will be able to see The Amazing Spider-Man on July 3, but others can see some sneak peeks of the movie months before the release. On February 6 Sony Pictures will be showing sneak peeks of never before scene footage in only 13 major cities around the world, which are: New York Los Angeles Berlin London Madrid Paris Mexico City Moscow Rio Rome Seoul  Sydney Tokyo  To get tickets, head over to www.TheUntoldStoryBegins.c...

Theaters Offering Awesome 3D Glasses For The Avengers

January 30, 2012 0 comments

Seeing movies in 3D are pretty expensive, movie theaters should offer something to definitely make the extra cash worth it. Luckily some theaters will be offering some pretty cool 3D glasses for The Avengers. Special 3D glasses will be given out at participating theaters, that resembles four of the Avengers in a stylish way, as you can choose to sport Iron Man, Thor, Hulk or Captain America. The glasses are going to cost you an additional $5 to your regular ticket price, but they might be actually worth it. Watch The Avengers on the big screen on May 4, 20...

Capcom Releases A Trailer For A Trailer For Dragon's Dogma

January 30, 2012 0 comments

Today Capcom has released a new trailer for Dragon's Dogma; even though the trailer isn't the most interesting trailer the dragons looks cool at least. In all fairness though, this is a teaser trailer for another trailer. Tomorrow a new trailer will be released though, this one to be a full length story trailer. If you want to see the trailer once it hits, then check out Dragon's Dogma Facebook page...

Get This Pink 3DS before Valentine's Day

January 30, 2012 0 comments

Originally being in a bundle, the Pink Pearl 3DS will be available to purchase without the bundle. Nintendo will be releasing the colored device on a perfect day, a few days before Valentine's day - February 10. The pink 3DS will cost you the same as a regular 3DS, which is $169.99; this time you don't have to be forced to get Nintendogs + Cats: Toy Poodle and New Friends or Nintendos + Cats: French Bulldog and New Frien...

Assassins Creed 3 Set in America?

January 28, 2012 0 comments

CVG has stated that the next Assassins Creed game will be set in the American revolution. The game will be announced before March 31st. Ubisoft has been dropping hints for awhile with their statements showing a possible American set. One hint was their Survey asking where fans would like the next game to be the most, an option was "The confrontation between British colonists and native Americans during The American Revolution."While this is all popular belief, CVG has contacted Ubisoft hoping for comment on their theori...

Street Fighter X Tekken Now Includes Megaman, Pac-man And More

January 27, 2012 0 comments

Capcom and Namco have brought in new characters for Street Fighter X Tekken as there are five new members, which includes Pac-Man, Megaman, Cole, Kuro and Toro. Capcom has finally decided to bring in Megaman into a fighting games, but this isn't your regular Megaman as the one they chose is the Megaman on the cover of Megaman 1, you know, the full grown man in blue spandex with both hands and a gun. These characters are Sony exclusive, meaning they are only available on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of Street Fighter X Tekken. Check out the trailer below to see their moves. [Thank to titz for the t...

Soulcalibur V DLC Announced

January 27, 2012 0 comments

Namco Bandai has announced today three DLC packs for Soulcalibur V with the first pack coming out on the first day, the second on Valentines Day and the third one being released on February 28. Pack 1: Launch Day Nine exotic customization items including bikinis, wings and face paints Original music from Soul Blade and Soulcalibur (tracks also available individually for $.99 or 80 MS points) Pack 2: Valentine’s Day February 14th Nine fearsome customization items including breast plate, kimono and animal heads Original music from Soulcalibur II and III  (tracks also available individually for $.99 or 80 MS points) Pack 3: February 28th Nine...

New Aliens: Colonial Marines Trailer

January 27, 2012 0 comments

Despite Aliens: Colonial Marines being pushed back from a Springs release to a Fall release, Gearbox has released a new trailer for the game. After seeing the trailer, I think this game might be on my list...

Nintendo Announces A New Mario Game

January 27, 2012 1 comments

Surprise, surprise! Nintendo has announced that a new Mario game is on it's way as a side-scrolling game for the 3DS. Nintendo plans to release this new Mario game sometime during their next fiscal year, which is between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013. There is no details about the game, but Satoru Iwata claims that this game will be "totally ne...

Mass Effect 3 Special Forces Trailer

January 27, 2012 0 comments

More footage of Mass Effect 3's multiplayer has been revealed showcasing several races and what special class abilities they'll be utilizing to fight off the reaper invasion. Check it out!Did anyone else see that headsh...

Review: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

January 27, 2012 0 comments

Skyrim was named 2011's Game of The Year and was loved by long-time fans and the rest of the video game community. I decided to get the game and see for myself what this cultural phenomenon is all about. Although I'm a little late to the party I can see what everyone else see's as they step into the shoes as the dragonborn and journey across the world of Skyrim.The Good:-Skyrim is massive-Amazing leveling up system-Great action sequences-Over 100 hours of gameplay-Things are beautiful from afar-Amazing original score-Can create your own storyThe Bad: -Things are ugly up close-Using magic can be confusing and difficult at first-Some controls are...

Gears gets Ready for the Big Game with the Thrashball Drone

January 27, 2012 0 comments

With the Super Bowl only a few weeks away Epic games preps up with a new playlist and a brand new locust skin.Epic has released the new "Get Gnasty" playlist today, a 20 live Team Deathmatch that starts only with Gnashers and a one shot pistol that is capable of pulling a headshot. Those with a steady aim will enjoy that perk. Also for a limited time, You can play as the thrashball drone multiplayer character, who looks pretty awesome.This playlist and character are available now, but only for a short while so hur...

Nintendo Announces Nintendo Network

January 26, 2012 0 comments

Originally just being a logo on a 3DS game case, the Nintendo Network left gamers wondering what Nintendo has in store. Today Satoru Iwata announced what Nintendo's new network service has planned for the Wii U along with the 3DS. As predicted, the Nintendo Network will be similiar to Sony's PSN and Microsoft's Xbox Live, which brings digital distribution, personal accounts for the Wii U and DLC. "Unlike Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, which has been focused upon specific functionalities and concepts, we are aiming to establish a platform where various services available through the network for our consumers shall be connected via Nintendo...

Capcom Takes Notice Of Resident Evil: Revelations Spelling Error

January 26, 2012 0 comments

It has come to the attention of Capcom that North American copies of Resident Evil: Revelations has been misspelled on the spine of the game case. Capcom is promising a solution to the problem which they said over a statement. "It has come to our attention that there was a misspelling on the Resident Evil Revelations packaging. We apologize for the mistake, which will be corrected for subsequent productions of the game. We are working on a solution to provide affected customers with the correct packaging. Please visit Capcom-Unity for update...

Animal Crossing 3ds News

January 26, 2012 1 comments

It's about time that Nintendo released more information on their beloved critter game. This months edition of the Official Nintendo Magazine has released PLENTY of new information for their adoring fans. Still no release date out for the games, but it is RUMORED to come out this summer, all we can do is hope.Add benches, street lamps, and more to make the villagers happierSecretary will help you outThe secretary is a new character in the Animal Crossing seriesSecretary looks somewhat like a dog, is clumsy“chatting with her may be one of the game’s highlights”Secretary walks around with a clipboard sometimesShe’ll point out town areas that look...

The New 52 Collected Editions Of 2012

January 26, 2012 0 comments

DC's The New 52 was a huge success, but most people have yet had the chance to read the comics yet; usually they wait for the collection editions to be released. Well DC is finally going to release those editions for you guys. Throughout the year DC Comics will be releasing the first volumes for The New 52 and here is the full list: Coming in May 2012: JUSTICE LEAGUE VOLUME 1: ORIGIN HC Writer: Geoff Johns Artists: Jim Lee and Scott Williams Collects: JUSTICE LEAGUE #1-6 $24.99 US, 176 pg ANIMAL MAN VOLUME 1: THE HUNT   TP Writer: Jeff Lemire Artists: Travel Foreman, Jeff Huet and John Paul Leon Collects: ANIMAL MAN #1-6 $14.99...

Aliens: Colonial Marines Delayed

January 26, 2012 0 comments

Sega announced today that they will be delaying Aliens: Colonial Marines. Originally the game was to be released this spring, but Capcom is now saying that players will have to wait later this fall in order to get their own copy of the game. “Aliens: Colonial Marines is a process of creativity and invention and those don't necessarily follow the structure of an assembly line," says SEGA and Gearbox Software. "While setting clear goals, deadlines and predictions is helpful, they are often subjective. We don't want to sacrifice the creative process just for the sake of following a blue print. We prefer to have the creative discovery shape...

Dead Island's Ryder White DLC Trailer

January 26, 2012 0 comments

In just a few more days, players can take control of Ryder White in the new and upcoming Dead Island DLC. Playing as the antagonist of the game, players will learn Ryder White's backstory and see the zombie infection on Banoi through his own eyes. The Ryder White DLC brings hours of new gameplay along with two new blueprints and two new weapons to fend off against the ravaging dead. You can get your hands on the Ryder White DLC on February 1 for $9.99 on the PC and PSN or for 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live. While we wait for the release, here's a trailer of the DLC...

AMC Releases New The Walking Dead Trailer

January 26, 2012 0 comments

AMC has released a new trailer for the return of The Walking Dead showing off what's to come for the continuation of season 2. Don't forget to catch the premiere  on February 12 on AMC at 9PST/8CT...

Gotham City Imposters Beta Review

January 26, 2012 0 comments

When I heard a familiar ring from my super duper smart phone that I use to play Tiny Towers, check my e-mail/Facebook, call my mother or to yell at various companies to inform them that I am not happy with their service I dashed to it to see that I got an e-mail from Gotham City Impostors informing me that PlayStation 3 owners can now participate in the beta of the game. I then rushed to my PlayStation 3 to download and install Gotham City Impostors that took no more than 20 minutes to install and those 20 minutes were worth the wait. After scrolling through some User Agreements I was finally able to start playing the game, but first I decided...

Nintendo may change Wii U name

January 26, 2012 0 comments

Someone from the inside, according to Online gaming publication CVG, has claimed that Nintendo is thinking of maybe changing the Wii U's name. A lot of people were confused after the announcement at E3 over the Wii u, unsatisfied, and Nintendo since then has repeatedly tried to clear things up for everyone. Nintendo is trying to please it's customers, so this may be a end result as to why they are thinking of changing the name due to the large negative feedback over it. Only way to know is to keep on waiting until next E3.The original reason behind the Wii U started with the Wii. The Wii's name was supposed to sound just like it looks,'We'....

Will A Nick Fury Movie Be Made After Captain America 2?

January 26, 2012 0 comments

Marvel is hoping to begin filming on the sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger later this year. The good news doesn't end there though, it's being reported that a Nick Fury movie will be followed. According to the man who plays Dum Dum Dugan, Neal McDonough, Marvel is going to start a Nick Fury movie. “Yeah, they’re planning (to go into production for) Captain America 2 for the end of this year, because Marvel does one film at a time,” says McDonough on IMDb. “So they’re going to do Thor 2, and as soon as Thor has wrapped, they’ll do Cap 2. Hopefully right after that, we’ll jump into Nick Fury because that’s the one I’m looking forward...

Pre-Order This Mass Effect Art Book And You Get DLC

January 26, 2012 0 comments

First, Mass Effect action figures gave you DLC. Now buying an art book will grant you the same thing. If you pre-order the new art book for Mass Effect, titled "Art of the Mass Effect Universe", you will receive a code that allows you downloadable content for Mass Effect 3 on either the PC or Xbox 360. What the content is is unknown at the moment, but we know that one is a collector's rifle. You can pre-order your copy now at Barnes & Nob...

Nintendo Is Expecting More Losses

January 26, 2012 0 comments

Things are not getting too much better for Nintendo as they are now facing a bad financial year. The 3DS sales started out horrible but eventually gained some good profit during the holidays last year, that wasn't enough though as Nintendo also faced an exchange rate of the yen and U.S. dollars that hurt them even more. Things aren't going to let up for them as they are now expecting a bigger annual loss. Analysts originally reported that Nintendo was going to lose a total of ¥4.2 billion yen (over $54 million) by the end of their fiscal year, which is in March 2012. Nintendo is saying that it's going to be far more than what was previously...

Insomniac Games Not Continuing With Resistance

January 26, 2012 0 comments

It seems like Insomniac Games is done with the Resistance series as Ted Price, CEO of Insomniac Games, has announced today. In an interview with VG247, Price says, “We won’t be making any more Resistances.” It's as simple as that. That doesn't mean that there will never be more Resistance installments, another company might eventually pick it up if they choose to expand on the seri...

Capcom Misspells Resident Evil: Revelations On The Game Case

January 26, 2012 1 comments

It seems like Capcom has made a huge spelling error on someone's copy of Resident Evil: Revelations. Dan Hsu, co-founder of Bitmob, has tweeted a picture of his copy of the game that says "Resident Evil: Revelaitons" instead of Resident Evil: Revelations. It is not known whether which copies are affected by the spelling error, but supposedly it is only North American copies that has the misspelled tit...

Steam Access On Your iOS Or Android Device Is Now Available As An App [Updated]

January 26, 2012 0 comments

Back when the iPod Touch was what all the kids were doing, Valve was talking about making some sort of app for the device. That was about almost a year ago, in that time Android has been getting more and more attention, so now Valve decided to make an app for both devices which is out right now. On both iOS and Android devices, Valve has released and official Steam app (there are some unofficial Steam apps out there) that allows users to access the Steam Community via your device. Here is a full press release: With the Steam app, gamers around the world may chat with Steam friends, browse community groups and user profiles, view screenshots...

Get Mewtwo In Pokémon Black And White

January 26, 2012 0 comments

Mewtwo is making an appearance next month in Pokémon Black and White. For those that has a copy of Pokémon Black or White and has access to a wireless connection you can receive your very own Mewtwo for a limited time! Make sure to get him starting February 12. The reason for this free Mewtwo has to due to the debut of the Mewtwo-EX card for the Pokémon TCG: Black & White-Next Destinies that comes out on February...

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