
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Sega Announces Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed

April 30, 2012 0 comments

Sonic and his pals are revving up their engines later this year as Sega has announced Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed today. The new Sonic game is a racing game and a sequel to Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. It was also made due to the positive feedback Sega received from fans. “Given the fantastic feedback we received from critics and consumers alike for the first game we really wanted to push the boundaries on our follow up game, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed” says David Corless, Global Sonic Brand Director. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will be out later this year on the PlayStation 3,  PlayStation...

Here's The Diablo III TV Spot

April 30, 2012 0 comments

Yesterday Blizzard released a cinematic trailer for Diablo III during Family Guy, well here it is for those who have yet to see it. The video is only 30 seconds long but I'm sure its enough for fans. Diablo III comes out on May 15. [Discuss this on the forum...

Now The 3DS Comes In Purple

April 30, 2012 0 comments

Nintendo is releasing the 3DSes as rainbows as it has been announced this weekend that a new color for the handheld console has been announced. On May 20 Nintendo will be releasing the Midnight Purple 3DS. It will cost the same as any other 3DS, which is $169....

New Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengeance Trailer

April 30, 2012 3 comments

Probably being one of the weirdest trailers I've ever seen, Konami's trailer for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance shows off what appears to be Raiden being experimented on as he's poked and prodded with needles. The website for Metal Gear Rising is pretty neat as there is a hand floating in the middle of the website and there is also a command prompt where you can enter commands; so far I haven't been able to get anything. [Discuss this on the forum...

God of War Ascension is getting Multiplayer

April 30, 2012 0 comments

Now the God of War series is following the pack of other single player games that is getting its own multiplayer mode. But players shouldn't worry that the single player is going to suffer for it. Director Todd Papy explained that "Ascension is the "most ambitious" entry into the series yet, one that will strive to maintain the "industry-defining" franchise's "ground-breaking gameplay. Papy also acknowledged the risk Santa Monica Studios is taking. "Single player is our bread and butter; there's no ifs, ands or buts about it. It's what we're known for, but we wanted to try something different."  You'll still fight giant monsters...

Diablo III Commercial Coming This Sunday

April 27, 2012 0 comments

Want to see Diablo III on TV? Well luckily for Diablo III fans there will be a commercial for Diablo III this Sunday, April 29, on Fox showing off new footage of the game. New comes from Diablo III's website in which there is a picture giving the information for when the commercial will air. There is not much information except for that it will be a cinematic trailer and will be shown during Family Guy, which starts at 9 pm, on Fox. [Discuss this on the forum...

Mysterio Behind Spider-Men

April 27, 2012 0 comments

Marvels' celebration of 50 years of Spider-Man is coming soon and Marvel is celebrating Spider-Man's birthday with the Spider-Man mini-series in which 616 and Ultimate Spider-Man team up. But for what reason will they team up? How will they cross paths? Who's going to be the villain that they will have to team up in order to beat? Those questions can be answered with just one name, Mysterio. "Mysterio is up there with the most dangerous criminals that Spider-Man has come up against," says Brian Michael Bendis in an interview with USA Today.  Bendis goes personal when adding Mysterio into the mix due to his enjoyment of seeing Mysterio...

Sony Announced PlayStation All-Star Battle Royale

April 27, 2012 0 comments

Sony's first party fighting game has been officially announced yesterday when Sony released a trailer and screenshots of PlayStation All-Star Battle Royale. PlayStation All-Star Battle Royale will feature Sony characters such as Kratos, Sweet Tooth and Fat Princess. The full roster has yet to be released, but those characters are what we can expect to be in the game so far. "The game features a number of cool game modes for both single and multiplayer, with a focus on online play which features a robust tournament mode," says Sony. "Players will be able to compete against each other as well as play cooperatively. We can't wait for you...

Live Action Trailer For PS Vita Version Of Mortal Kombat

April 26, 2012 0 comments

A new trailer has been released for the upcoming PS Vita version of Mortal Kombat with the trailer being live action. Some gameplay footage is shown in the trailer, but its mainly about two chicks just walking dressed up as Mileena and Kitana. Mortal Kombat will be out for the PS Vita on May 1 [Discuss this on the forum...

Portal 2 DLC Coming Out On May 8

April 26, 2012 0 comments

The Perpetual Testing Initiative DLC will be coming soon for Portal 2 and Windows and Mac PC owners as you can expect to see it on May 8. There is no news at the moment in which Valve will be releasing the DLC for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. As for PC owners of Portal 2, we will be able to create our own puzzles with the Test Chamber Editor that is being included in the DLC; the puzzles can be the most simplest thing ever or the most rage inducing puzzle seen by man kind. [Discuss this on the forum...

Steam Coming To Linux Systems

April 26, 2012 2 comments

Steam is no longer available just for Windows and Apple based PCs, Linux owners will now be able to play Steam games such as Left 4 Dead 2 on the operating systems. News comes from Michael Larabel, founder of Phoronix, who visited Valve's headquarters yesterday and got a first hand experience on Left 4 Dead 2 on an Ubuntu 11.10 installation. According to Larabel's article of his experience, Valve will be releasing the Linux version of Steam in a possible beta format later this year and that more titles will be available than just Left 4 Dead 2. [Discuss this on the forum...

Get A Free Darkrai For Pokémon Black and White

April 26, 2012 0 comments

Starting today owners of Pokémon Black and White are able to get a free Pokémon until May 9. The Pokémon in question is the one mysterious and scariest Pokémon, Darkrai.If you want to get your free Darkrai for Black and White, all you need to do is follow these simple steps. Wireless broadband Internet access A Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo DSi XL, or Nintendo 3DS system A copy of the Pokémon Black Version or Pokémon White Version game No more than 11 Wonder Cards in their possession [Discuss this on the forum...

Far Cry 3 Box Art Revealed

April 25, 2012 0 comments

The above image is the official box art for Far Cry 3 that was released yesterday. I've never played a Far Cry game, but this box art actually really interests me and now I want to start playing the series. Unfortunately that is the U.K. box art, the North American Version is different and not as catchy, which is pictured below. Far Cry 3 comes out on September 4 for the PlayStation 3, PC and Xbox 3...

New Dark Knight Rises Images

April 25, 2012 0 comments

Four new promotional photos for Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises has been released today that shows off Batman walking, posing in front of his hovercraft, punching Bane and riding his Bat-cycle. ...

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Cancelled, Survarium Takes Its Place

April 25, 2012 0 comments

Rumors were going around earlier that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 was cancelled, but then the game's developers, GSC Game World, said that the game wasn't cancelled and was still being worked on. That is not the situation today though. Today GSC Game World has been shut down, meaning S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is now cancelled. Luckily some former GSC Game World employees have started a new game developing studio, Vostok Games and they won't be bringing back S.T.A.L.K.E.R. anytime soon. "We did not reach agreement with the rights owner regarding the use of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. brand, that’s why we made the decision to move forward as an independent studio with...

Comic List - 4/25/2012

April 25, 2012 0 comments

Angel and Faith #9 B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: The Picken County Horror #2 The Good #39 King Conan: The Phoenix on the Sword #4 Mass Effect: Homeworlds #1 The Savage Sword of Conan Volume 11 TPB Star Wars: Blood Ties - Boba Fett is Dead #1 Star Wars: Crimson Empire III-Empire Lost #6 Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness #5 Star Wars: Invasion Volume 3 - Revelations TPB All Star Western #8 American Vampire #26 Aquaman #8 Batman Knightfall TPB New Edition Vol. 01 Batman The Dark Knight #8 Black Orchid Deluxe Edition HC Blackhawks #8 Flash #8 Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Men #8 Gears of War #23 Gears of...

Reminder: The Walking Dead Episode One Is Out Today

April 24, 2012 0 comments

A new trailer for the first episode has been released today in order to remind us that it is now officially out to purchase for the PlayStation 3, PC and Mac with a Xbox 360 and iOS version coming out this summer. You can but the first episode (titled A new Day) for $4.99 or you can pre-order all episodes for $20.  [Discuss this on the forum...

Agent Coulson Making His Debut In The 616 Universe

April 24, 2012 0 comments

Marvel's Battle Scars is close to an end after being dragged out for so long, and with that, Marvel has decided to throw a surprise at us by introducing Agent Coulson into the main 616 Marvel Universe. In this weeks issue of Battle Scars (issue #6) agent Coulson will be making an appearance and will be fighting along side Marcus Johnson who is the son of the most badass Marvel character, Nick Fury. That's not the only thing the 616 will be getting from another universe though, Marvel has designed Marcus Johnson to look like Nick Fury from the Ultimate Universe. Chris Yost explains the reason for adding Coulson into the 616 Universe is to...

Mass Effect 3 50% Off

April 24, 2012 0 comments

Today Amazon is having a Gold Box sale where there are new deals everyday. Today's deal is Mass Effect 3 that is 50% off. If you don't have Mass Effect 3 then right now is the best chance to get it, even though you might have heard disappointing things about it.  Mass Effect 3 isn't the only thing on sale, every hour they are selling limited video game related items. A PlayStation Move Shooting attachment was just on sale but now has sold out, so get to it for good deals. [Discuss this on the forum...

Crysis 3 Trailer Released

April 24, 2012 0 comments

It's finally here, EA has released the full trailer for Crysis 3 with its stunning and beautiful graphics graphics. The trailer shows off what you can expect to see in Crysis 3 in terms of gameplay, graphics and weapons. Here is a description of the story for Crysis 3 "Take on the role of 'Prophet' as he returns to New York, only to discover that the city has been encased in a Nanodome created by the corrupt Cell Corporation. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. This dangerous new world demands advanced weapons and tactics. Prophet will utilize a lethal composite bow,...

Preview For DC's New 52: Second Wave

April 24, 2012 0 comments

Images for DC Comics New 52: Second Wave has hit the internet yesterday showing off new titles that will be replacing the lowest selling New 52 titles. The New 52: Second Wave consists of six new titles and will replace the lowest selling titles, which are Blackhawks, Hawk and Dove, Men of War, Mister Terrific, O.M.A.C. and Static Shock. Those failing titles will be replaced with G.I. Combat, Batman Incorporated, Dial H, World's Finest, Earth 2 and The Ravagers. Here are the previews for the New 52: Second Wave G.I. Combat: Batman Incorporated: Dial H: Worlds Finest: The Ravagers: Earth...

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