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Kirby's Returns To Dreamland With A New Trailer

September 13, 2011

Kirby's triumphant return to Dream Land looks like Nintendo will be taking us through an amazing new journey as Kirby re-explores Dream Land but with new and crazy abilities.

Watching this trailer reminds me when I first saw the trailer for Kirby's Epic Yarn, it brought me happiness, joy and a small amount of impatience. Kirby Returns to Dream Land will come out on October 24th for the Wii in the United States while Europe will be able to experience Kirby's new adventure sometime in December.

What I'm most excited for is the new abilities and the crazy meter related attacks he has, along with the multiplayer. The multiplayer looks like it will be filled with so much fun and laughter when played with a group of friends.


  1. Blake said...:

    We need to get this.

  1. Androo said...:

    I've been planning on it, and the multiplayer is going to be a trollfest for us

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