
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Taskmaster and Galactus accidentally leaked?

December 30, 2010 0 comments

Yes yes, I know I am late on this. But for those who don't know, Galactus and Taskmaster might have been leaked. The quick story is that someone threw some images out on the internet from a MvC3 comic book, and in these images it shows Galactus and Taskmaster. And the images on a site they were accidentally shown on got taken down. So it seems like one of the lists for characters seem to be on track. Oh, and if you look closely, you can see what appears to be Green Goblin. Hmmm...

Death of Spider-Man

December 30, 2010 1 comments

So it seems Marvel is doing something ballsy with their Ultimate Universe; killing off Spider-Man. Or will they tease us? Anyways, a picture for the cover of Death of Spider-Man has been released and will run through Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate Avengers vs New Ultimates. I haven't been following New Ultimates, but I guess this will make me now. ...

Superheroes and Dinosuars

December 22, 2010 0 comments

Super heroes and dinosaurs; the two greatest topics. DC Comics' new MMO is only a few weeks away from being released on the PC and PS3. It's set to be released on January 11th with the first 30 days fee. But after that, it's going to cost you 15 bucks a month. But for those dedicated fans, a life time subscription is only $199! I was hoping to play DCUO, but I don't have the money to pay $15 a month. Ah, oh well. Jet-packs, guns, vehicles, and dinosaurs are elements in a game you'd think you would ever see. But thanks to Spiral Game Studio's newest game, Orion: Prelude, it is possible! Their beta will start sometime next year. You can register...

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Alternate Costumes

December 21, 2010 0 comments

Some of the alternate costumes have popped up and have finally shown themselves. I love the costumes they've decided to use (color schemes to be technical). I wish more could have been added, there's always too much of something unfortunately. IRON MAN First up is the awesome Extremis armor, one of my personal favorites, as his primary. The next one is Iron Man's original armor, but not as bulky as it's suppose to be. One of the least popular (but kickass) armor; Stealth Suit. It looks way better than I though it would have looked. Silver Centurion, I personally never read anything with this armor. SPIDER-MAN  The Spider-Man ones aren't...

Fear Itself

December 21, 2010 0 comments

Fear Itself; Marvel's next event, has deeper coverage now. Take a look at this picture I enjoy that they're keeping Dracula. Seeing Ben in this picture, obviously he's going to be part of this event, but does that mean he's not the FF member that's suppose to die? Or possibly with FF's every other month release, the death will be shown here. And T'challa is the Black Panther again (I haven't been following up on him except for part of Doom War and the new Man Without Fear). I'm excited to see that the X-Men seem to have a bigger role in this even than other major Marvel events. Here's the conference if you missed it. I'm still in the middle...

New Thunderbolts, Fear partially explained and more!

December 20, 2010 0 comments

So I've been busy this weekend and have not been able to update the blog. Well, here I am with some updates. First off, another Marvel Fear picture has surfaced. I'm getting pretty hyped up about this. And the next news worthy post is even better than this picture: An explanation on what Fear is about. Tomorrow at noon (December 21st, Eastern Time) at, Fear is going be be revealed live. So tune in and find out what all this is about. Thunderbolts wants a new team member, and we readers get to decide who we want. There's a pole going on with 13 characters that we get to chose from along with an "other" box. I haven't decided whom...

Star Wars: Clone Wars 3.5

December 16, 2010 0 comments

Holy hell, it looks like this show is getting better. I'm behind on this show, but I'm trying to catch up. I'm finishing up season 2 at the moment. All I know is that season 3 has Delta Squad (If I remember correctly) would be better if Omega Squad was in it though. I also know that Ahsoka and other characters are suppose to be older and have new designs. I need to hurry up and catch up with the show cause this trailer looks amazing. And the end of it gave me chills...

4th Fear Poster

December 16, 2010 0 comments

It seems like Marvel is going to do this daily (dunno for how long though). This time it has the Hulk. Everyday I'm getting more excited about this. Hopefully this new event will be as good as Siege and Civil Wa...

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Trailer 3

December 16, 2010 0 comments

Here's the third trailer for MvC3. I really cannot wait for this piece of awesome to come out. I couldn't help but laugh when M.O.D.O.K. and Arthur appeared though. The 2nd trailer, with Cap, is still the best trailer in my opinion. Here are the first two trailers: ...

Force Unleashed 2 DLC

December 15, 2010 0 comments

Here's an early look at the upcoming Battle for Endor DLC for Force Unleashed 2. Now I doubt this will be good since the game itself was a major disappointment. I always thought that the Force Unleashed was canon, but I guess it isn't since Han Solo dies on here. I'm not even more disappointed...

Fear part 3

December 15, 2010 0 comments

A loss in faith. This Fear thing keeps getting more and more interesting. Needs less teasers and more info though. So far we have a Spider-Man one, Cyclops/Magneto, and now Captain America. Who could be next...

VGA Views Falling

December 15, 2010 0 comments

This is the 4th year that the VGA has had a steady drop in viewers. I'm not really surprised by this since the VGA are not that good. The only good things they had were Mass Effect, Uncharted, Elder Scrolls, and Arkham Ci...

Fear (part 2)

December 14, 2010 0 comments

Another picture of Marvel's mystery "Fear" was released. This time it shows Cyclops wearing Magneto's costume. So apparently it's not Ultimate Universe related for this clearly looks like Earth 616 Cyclops...


December 13, 2010 0 comments

So this 'Fear' trailer came out a couple of days ago, there's not much speculation on what it's about. Here's a poster and a trailer. If anything, this looks like Ultimate Spider-Man. Could this be the biggest thing to happen since Ultimatum? ...

New Portal 2 Trailer

December 12, 2010 0 comments

I didn't even know this, but a new Portal 2 Trailer came out yesterday during the VGAs. Valve's most anticipated game (according to the voters) will be hitting shelves until April. It was set to be released in February but was pushed back, no surprise there since it's a Valve game. At least this one will feature a co-op mod...

VGA Mashups

December 11, 2010 0 comments

If any of you guys missed the VGAs, here's a mash-up. Winners: Studio of the Year: BioWare Best Action/Adventure Game: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Best Shooter: Call of Duty: Black Ops Best Performance by a Human Male: Neil Patrick Harris (Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions) Best Indie: Limbo Best Driving: Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Best Adaptation: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game Best RPG: Mass Effect 2 Best Music Game: Rock Band 3 Best Soundtrack: DJ Hero 2 Best Song in Game: "Far Away" by Jose Gonzalez, Red Dead Redemption Best Original Score: Red Dead Redemption Best DLC: Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Most Anticipated: Portal...

Batman: Arkham City Trailer

December 11, 2010 0 comments

The trailer for the new upcoming Batman game was revealed on Spike's VGAs and it shows us who is trying to take down the Bats this time, Hugo Strange. It seems that Rockstar wants to go in the comic direction instead of the movie direction (which I have absolutely no problem with) ...

Second Thor Trailer

December 10, 2010 0 comments

New Thor trailer hit the web earlier and boy does it look satisfying. So it looks the movie tells the tale of how Thor was sent to Midgard after the Frost Giant battle and gives an insight on Jane, Loki and Odin. This whole thing looks amazing so far; costumes, characters, everything. The movie hits theaters May 6th, 2011  ...

Venom is back in action

December 10, 2010 0 comments

And he has a new look? So Venom has gone through two major hosts, Eddie Brock and recently Mac Gargan (Ex Scorpion). After Osborn's Thunderbolts have been disbanded, a group was seen removing the symbiote from Gargan by force (Amazing Spider-Man #648) But what does this exactly mean? Eddie is now Anti-Venom, Gargan is without the symbiote. I can tell you one thing, Venom is now a government agent. But who is Venom's new host? His new comic, Venom #1 is to hit shelves in March 2011, but also pick up Amazing Spider-Man #654.1 for a follow up to his new comic which hits stores in February 2011...

X-Men Destiny Trailer

December 10, 2010 0 comments

A new trailer for X-Men Destiny has surfaced today. For of you that don't know what this game is all about, well, it's simple. It's a game developed by Silicon Knights and Published by Activision.You're a new mutant that just joined the X-Men in which you choose your own destiny and how the game plays out. So it's basically an X-Men RPG a bit. So far the known characters are; Wolverine, Magneto, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Pyro, Nightcrawler. And this new trailer seems to introduce more. This game looks like it has potential and I'm definitely going to get it. Set to be released Q4 of 201...

Transformers 3 Trailer

December 9, 2010 0 comments

And it looks as bad as the 2nd. There's only one Transformer in the trailer, and no one knows who he is. To my it looks like Magneto (from the movies) with just a mustache and a goatee. But seriously, am I the only one who can see that as Unicron? Just a really really really small Unicron...

Here Comes a New Challenger

December 9, 2010 0 comments

So if any of you have been following MvC3, you'd know that two more characters have just been announced. For those you haven't been following up, well...what's wrong with you?! Storm and Crimson Viper are now in the roster. Storm wasn't much of a surprise at all, but it looks like Marvel is finally dishing out their female characters. More info here:

The Killing Floor Twisted Christmas Event

December 8, 2010 0 comments

with Special Guest Team Fortress 2's Pyro. So if you people don't have Killing Floor, then I highly suggest you go get it asap. I've been playng Killing Floor for about a year, and it's an amazing game. And starting December 14th going to January 4th, KF will have a Christmas Even going on, which includes:  -Free for everyone that owns Killing Floor (auto downloaded through Steam) -All new level - Santa's Evil Lair -All creatures in game replaced with Christmas themed monsters including the Gingerfast and the Nutpound -More than double the achievement count with over 130 achievements -13 new Christmas achievements -Unlocklable "Baddest Santa" playable character -Red or Blu Pyro from Team Fortress 2 playable character available to anyone that owns both Team Fortress 2 and Killing...

Everythings coming up PS3

December 7, 2010 0 comments

So it's been announced that PS3 users gets Kratos, from God of War, in Mortal Kombat 9. But that leaves a question unanswered. Who will be in the 360 version? Let's just hope it's not Master Chief or some Spartan variant. *cough*AlanWake*cough*. Maybe an incorporated Dead Rising thing might be interesting for the 360? Oh well, we'll see soon eno...

Dragon Ball SD

December 6, 2010 0 comments

In other news, the new Dragon Ball manga hit stores in Japan a few days ago and scans have already been going around. Supposedly it's a remake of the original Dragon Ball manga, but it's told differently. So it's the same, but different....

First Newsly Post

December 6, 2010 0 comments

Welcome my fellow geeklings. I welcome you here to my first blog, where I will talk about (but not limited to) Comic and Video game news. I'll try my best do be up to date about these kinds of things. My first topic is the "Ultimate Comics-to-Film Guide." Something I stumbled on on IGN. When I read this, I was actually quite surprise about some of the reboots that are rumored to happen. Specifically the DD reboot (God knows that was needed). Let's hope that these will do well in the box offices. And I do hope that some of these movies will be do...

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