
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Superman: Man of Steel

January 31, 2011 0 comments

Henry Cavill has been announced as the new Superman in the upcoming Superman film, Superman: Man of Steel. Not much is very known about this movie. So far all we know now is Henry Cavill as Superman, Zack Snyder is directing and a set release date it December of 20...

Dead Space 2 Review

January 27, 2011 0 comments

After two days of playing Dead Space 2 for the PC, I have finally beaten it. It was a spectacular game full of busting necromorphs and punting necro babies, but of course there were some down sides. First off, I want to say that I didn't cheap out when it came to Dead Space 2, I got myself the special edition that contains the game, replica plasma cutter, original soundtrack, concept art lithograph and a downloadable Zealong Force Gun and suit. The plasma cutter is about 3.5-4 inches in height and 6.5 inches in width, I thought it would've been bigger at first, but it all became better when I found out that it lit up. What's weird is that...

Hsien-Ko and Sentinel Reveal Trailers

January 27, 2011 0 comments

I know I am a wee bit late on this, I blame Dead Space 2 for taking most of my time, but here are reveal trailers for Hsien and Sentinel Hsien-Ko Sentinel...


January 27, 2011 0 comments

Sony has announced today, at a Sony press conference in Japan, the next generation in the PSP family. The Next Generation Portable is a nice sleek looking device that features dual analog sticks, 3G, GPS and a 5 inch screen with other new designs. Supposedly the games are flash memory based (what is this, the PSPGo2?) and you can download them using wi-fi. This thing looks nice, but will it do better than the PSPGo? We'll see how it goes with it's release date suppose to be this holiday season. ...

Sentinel Leaked In MvC3

January 26, 2011 0 comments

There's a leaked image going around from a magazine showing Sentinel in action...

The Fantastic Four Are No Longer Four

January 24, 2011 0 comments

Everyone knows Marvel has been planning to kill off one of the Fantastic Four members, and now, it has been revealed on who kicks the bucket. Along with the death leaves another sad moment; the end of the Fantastic Four. And I'm not saying the group no longer will exist, I'm saying that the comics will be over with. Issue #588 will be the last continuity Fantastic Four comic. Marvel's Vice President, Tom, Brevoot, said that, "588 is the final issue of the Fantastic Four. Beyond that, we're not ready to say exactly what we're doing. There won't be an issue 589." If you don't want to find out who dies, then don't read ahead. Looks like you...

Beyond Black Mesa

January 21, 2011 0 comments

Beyond Black Mesa is a short film that was shot on a Canon HV20 and costing only $1,200 to make that took well about 2 years to make. But what makes this Half-Life video different than others? The main character is the one and only Adrian Shepard from Half-Life: Opposing Force. Take a glance at this pretty good video...

Nintendo 3DS Price and Date

January 20, 2011 1 comments

Nintendo has given out the price and release date for their 3DS. Expect it to hit stores this year on March 27th. How much you ask? Well, let's just say you should be saving your pennies and nickels for this, because it's just only $249.99 You can start pre-ordering your copies now over at Nintendo. The 3DS is also having an assortment of games for it's release, such as: Pilotwings Resort Super Street Fighter IV Nintendogs + Cats Steel Driver Asphalt 3D LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Kid Icarus: Uprising The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Madden NFL Football Dead or Alive Dimensions Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D Star Fox 64 3D Ridge...

X-Men First Class

January 20, 2011 0 comments

A cast picture was leaked yesterday and there's been a lot of harsh criticism about it, and I don't blame everyone doing so at all. Have you seen the picture? I don't know what it is, but the costumes look bad. Mystique looks like Brian Singer's X-Men. And Oliver Platt as Beast? He looks like Lou Ferrigno Hulk, but blue. Emma Frost looks decent, not as slutty as the comics, but still decent. Even earlier today, Matthey Vaughn spoke out about how much he hated this photo, saying that it didn't show how his movie really is going to be. He even gave us two other photos of Magneto and Charles. I really do not have anything to say about these...

Dead Space iOS Video

January 19, 2011 0 comments

A video for EA's Dead Space for the iPod came out today. And my God it looks crisp for a mobile game. I don't know it the controls will be a pain (which they probably will) but my oh my do I want this game. I don't know the pricing on it, but expect it to be out this Tuesday....

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Alternate Costumes Part 2

January 18, 2011 1 comments

Chris Baker, the manager of Marvel's video games, had a sit down with IGN to talk about Marvel's alternate costumes. He talks about Pheonix, Storm, MODOK, Dormammu and Captain America. My personal favorite is Punisher Cap. For a more in depth talk about it, head over to IGN here to read the full article. I have yet to read it all, but I will once I get the chance. I had no idea some of these costumes existed. And Marvel did an excellent job with the alternate costumes by what I've se...

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

January 18, 2011 0 comments

The newest Kingdom Hearts franchise for Nintendo 3DS has unveiled it's name today, and I will say, I am somewhat impressed. I like how it's going back to the old school of the first Kingdom Hearts. But as you notice, there's a lack of Disney. I believe that Kingdom Hearts is getting out of control, this is like the 7th Kingdom Hearts game. They probably ran out of originality and is slowly starting to get rid out Disney. Dream Drop Distance looks like the best Kingdom Hearts game they've made in awhile, but I'm not setting my bar high for this at all....

Thor Renamed, New Thor Continuity and Captain America Pictures

January 17, 2011 0 comments

Marvel has stated that the current Thor comic continuity will go back to it's original name. Journey Into Mystery starting with issue #622 in April. Along with that, a new Thor continuity appears during the same month. Mighty Thor will lead into the new upcoming Marvel crossover Fear Itself and will be focusing on kid Loki. An interview with Kieron Gillen (the writer of Mighty Thor) goes into depth and explains more. I'm iffy on Loki's new design. If this wasn't a comic book world, everyone would do what they can to stop Thor from retrieving Loki, especially since Siege. We'll see how this goes I guess. I'm sure that they're making a new continuity...

Taskmaster and Akuma

January 17, 2011 0 comments

Earlier this morning, Taskmaster and Akuma have been reveled to be the next two characters for Marvel vs Capcom 3. With just a few more weeks till the release, two more characters remain unknown. Akuma has been known for awhile since he's been leaked in a couple of pictures. I have yet to figure out which team I will use. Now that Taskmaster has been unveiled, I want him and Deadpool to team up together. Taskmaster's multiple fighting styles will obliterate his enemies, he's even taken on Captain America and won. Akuma and Taskmaster reveal trai...

Pokemon Black and White

January 14, 2011 0 comments

New reveals for Pokemon's new game came out today. First let's start off with the Pokemon themselves, the English names were revealed today. And I will say, they're not as original as other ones, but hey, this is Gen V, Pokemon has been losing it's originality.  Just realized this picture is too small, so here are the names in text format #494 - Victini #495 - Snivy #496 - Servine #497 - Serperior #498 - Tepig #499 - Pignite #500 - Emboar #501 - Oshawott #502 - Dewott #503 - Samurott #504 - Patrat #505 - Watcho #506 - Lillipup #507 - Herdier #508 - Stoutland #509 - Purrloin #510 - Liepard #511 - Pansage #512 - Simisage #513 - Pansear #514...

New Spider-Man Reboot Picture

January 13, 2011 0 comments

What's this? Another Spider-Man post? Our favorite Web-Slinger on a roll it seems like. Today we've got a glimpse of Andrew Garfield in the Spidey oufit.The movie is inspired by Ultimate Spider-Man, a series I enjoy and still am enjoying. I just need to read their over 100 paged special issue. But if you've never read Ultimate Spidey, it all takes place during his High School days. From Age 15-17 If I can remember correctly, somewhere around that age...

Beenox: The New Main Spider-Man Developer

January 13, 2011 0 comments

The gaming company, Beenox, has rightfully earned the place to be Spider-Man's primary developer. If you don't know, Beenox is responsible for developing Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. Straight from the press release, Beenox is now “the primary developer on upcoming Activision titles featuring Marvel’s famous web-slinger, Spider-Man.” Congratulations to them, because they did an amazing job with Shattered Dimensions. Each Spider-Man had a different feel and fighting style and I'm excited to play more Spider-Man games from them.  You can tell they put time and effort into it and it easily sho...

DC Event: Flashpoint

January 13, 2011 0 comments

Flashpoint is starting to emerge from the surface since it's announcement last year with 3 teaser pictures. Flashpoint will be about Reverse Flash going back through time and making sure that most super heroes were never created. I don't follow DC too much, since I"m more of a Marvel guy, but I have been following their comics more often lately People aren't too sure who this is meant for. Speculations have said it was for Superman, but he already has his own picture (see below). And others believe it could be J'onn J'onzz. No one's too sure at the moment.  I'm sure this one is about Bruce Wayne not spending most of his time being Batman...

Dead Space 2 Launch Trailer

January 12, 2011 0 comments

New Dead Space 2 trailer comes out. We're getting closer to the release dates and I'm getting excited. One thing that concerns me is that Isaac is talking. Now, that's not a bad thing, but it gives a different feel than the first one. We've already been told that there will be cut scenes, which is new, and that leads me to believe that this will be more of a shooter than a horror game. Despite the first game being a 3rd Person Shooter, it still made you feel like you were Isaac a bit. Every time someone talked to me, I myself would be talking back to them (yes, it's a bit weird, but I know some of you have done it for Half-Life). In Dead Space...

Action/Fantasy Game on the iPod

January 12, 2011 0 comments

Another gaming is coming for the iPod from Gameloft (a mobile video game company). I found this out on GameInformer, and they were saying how much it looks like a Legend of Zelda game (which it isn't) and it does have some similarities. There's no title or release date for this. This is another iPod games that I'm interested in. ...

Age of X, 3DS, Dead Space and Devil May Cry iOS Edition

January 12, 2011 0 comments

Today lands lots of pictures and screenshots. And instead of making a new entry for each topic, I've descided to crush them into one. Age of X First we'll start with Age of X. We were given an Age of X preview earlier today The new character designs for this new X-Men universe is pretty damn awesome. Have you seen Cyclops? He has a skull for a face. Characters shown in here are most likely: Sunspot Iceman Storm Berserker (Warpath or Thunderbird) Cannonball Colossus Basilisk (Cyclops) Jubilee Moonstar Loa Angel Namor Gentle Dazzler Chamber Magmus (Megneto) Legacy (Rogue) Along with that there's this: The Avengers of this new Marvel Universe....

MvC3 TV Trailer

January 11, 2011 0 comments


Arkham City Concept Art

January 11, 2011 0 comments

Not much, but at least it's something. Here's a piece of concept art from Batman: Arkham City...

Razer Switchblade

January 10, 2011 0 comments

When it comes to gaming, Razer does not mess around. The people at Razer Zone has designed on for gamers, and I'm impressed. This baby is powered by Intel's Atom processor, which brings a powerful punch for quite a few games. What I like about this is that you can play an FPS on it along with RTS/MMO/Casual games. And with each game type, the keyboard scheme changes. For example, if you're launching up WoW on it, you have all your macro keys and arrow keys and for your FPS games, you have arrow keys and attack keys. These are just concept designs, so there is no release date nor price for it at the moment. And don't you think this is just limited...

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