
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

The Old Republic will get DLC this January

December 30, 2011 0 comments

The Old Republic has been a commercial success for Lucasarts and Bioware, and things don't seem to be slowing down. And the developer is planning to release more content in the very near future.Game's director James Olhen says that his team is already working on the new content as we speak. "Next month we're going to be releasing a new Flashpoint and an expanded Operation, The new Flashpoint involves a plague that could have significant repercussions across the galaxy. It takes place on a brand new world and involves some pretty epic battles. I can’t go into much detail, but be prepared for something different. The expanded Operation takes...

Nintendo 3DS gets a Metal Gear Solid 3DS

December 29, 2011 1 comments

Hideo Kojima recently announced on his twitter account that Konami and Nintendo will be releasing a Limited edition Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater themed 3DS system. Whats special about this is that this system has snake skin, yes, actual Snake skin.While no pricing has been listed yet, the system is scheduled to be released January 20th next year in Japan. I doubt however that this will be available anywhere else. These are the kind of things PETA should be pissed off about...

Sega Announces Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2

December 29, 2011 0 comments

Things have been pretty quiet in the world of gaming, until Sega officially announced the sequel to Sonic's Arcade title, which confirms both Tails and Metal Sonic.Gamespot was the first to get their hands on some new details concerning the new game in this inerview and has released the games first trailer.Trailer<br>InterviewThe part I'm probably most excited for is the new physics engine that they will be using. For those who didn't play episode I, while the game was still fun it had one of the WORST physics engines I've ever seen. Sonic felt...

Comic List - 12/28/2012

December 27, 2011 0 comments

Aquaman #4 Batman The Dark Knight #4 Blackhawks #4 DC Comics Presents Batman Blaze of Glory #1 DC Comics Presents Batman Urban Legends #1 DC Comics Presents Elseworlds 80 Page Giant #1 DC Comics Presents Legion of Super Heroes #1 DC Universe Online Legends #20 DMZ #72 Flash #4 Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #4 Gears of War #21 Green Lantern New Guardians #4 I Vampire #4 Justice League Dark #4 Legion Secret Origin #3 (of 6) Savage Hawkman #4 Superman #4 Teen Titans #4 Uncharted #2 (of 6) Unwritten #32.5 Voodoo #4 Artifacts #12 (of 13) Bomb Queen VII Queens World #3 Chew #23 firebreather Holmgang #4 Great Unknown #4 (of 5) Green Wake #8 Hack...

Avengers Annual #1 Preview

December 27, 2011 0 comments

Simon Williams, a.k.a. Wonder Man, went up against the New Avengers with his own Revengers, now they will go toe to toe with The Avengers in the upcoming Avengers Annual. Story - Brian Michael bendisArt - Gabriele Dell'OttoRelease Date - January 4, 2...

Stylize Your 3DS With These Metal Gear Solid Accessories

December 27, 2011 0 comments

If you want to spice up your 3DS with some Metal Gear Solid themed accessories, now is your chance. Well, not right now right now, but soon. Konami has announced that they will be teaming up with accessory company Hori in order to release Metal Gear Solid 3 related accessories. The accessory kit will include coming out are a olive drab pouch to hold your 3DS in, a stylish stylus and a protective cover and camo sticker for the inside of the handheld. All this will be released on March 8th, same day as Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, as a kit and will cost 2,980 yen. Konami is currently reserving pre-orders at their online store. ...

Minicraft 2 Being Worked On

December 27, 2011 2 comments

Markus Persson has announced, via Tweeter, that a sequel to his hit Minecraft game is currently being worked on. "Minecraft 2 is being worked on, for no good reason," says Persson on Twitter. "It needs a better name, though." I'm not too sure how you would make a Minecraft sequel, but I'm more than interested to see what's going on.  So, thanks to Titz for clarification, Persson is doing a sequel to Minicraft, not Minecraft. My apologies for not noticing that. For those that don't know what Minicraft is, Minicraft is a game that Persson made in under 48 hou...

Kid Icarus: Uprising Will Have Multiplayer

December 27, 2011 0 comments

With Nintendo's conference yesterday, news came out that Kid Icarus: Uprising will include multiplayer action; supposedly it's something that fans have been wanting multiplayer since the title was announced. If you're wondering how the multiplayer works, then go ahead and watch the video below to see some single player and multiplayer. Kid Icurus: Uprising is schedules to come out in March 2012 in the United States and Euro...

Fire Emblem Kakuse Gets A Release Date

December 27, 2011 0 comments

Today Nintendo has released footage and announced the release date for Fire Emblem: Kakuse. The next Fire Emblem installment will be released on April 19 in Japan; there is no date for a North American and Europe release yet, that is if Nintendo wants to give us the game. Watch Satoru Iwata talk about Fire Emblem: Kakuse which I can't understand...

Star Wars: The Old Republic Is Doing Better And Better

December 26, 2011 0 comments

Star Wars: The Old Republic is officially the fastest growing MMO according to new statistics from BioWare. On top of having 28 million logged in hours, 3.8 created characters and more than 2 billion NPCs killed, The Old Republic now has: Over 60 million in-game hours — roughly equivalent to watching all six Star Wars movies over 4 million times. Over 850,000 Sith Warriors and over 810,000 Jedi Knights created. Over 260 million quests completed. Over 44 million PvP battles. Over 9 million space combat missions completed. Over 3 billion NPCs kille...

Alan Taylor Directing Thor 2

December 26, 2011 0 comments

Earlier this month it was announced that Penny Jenkins would no longer be directing Thor 2 due to creative differences, which left Marvel with no director. The day is saved though, thanks to Alan Taylor, who will now be directing the movie. Alan Taylor has worked on some episodes for "Game of Thrones". Brian Kirk, who was the first person to be asked to work on Thor 2, is also a director of "Game of Thrones", but he turned down the offer of directing Thor 2 due to a creative and financial issu...

Wii U Will Come Out Some Time After June

December 26, 2011 0 comments

The release date for the Wii U is not sure at this moment by anyone, but Nintendo has announced that the release date window has been shrunk from between April and December 2012 to between June and December 2012. It is believed by some people that Nintendo will be announcing an exact release date at this year's E3 conference, which sounds possib...

Star Wars: The Old Republic Already A Big Hit

December 23, 2011 1 comments

BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic is a big hit with it being released just three days ago. According to BioWare there are: Logged 28 million in-game hours – roughly equivalent to watching all six Star Wars movies, two million times. Averaged well over five hours a day playing the game. Created more than 3.8 million characters; 510,000 Jedi Knights and 550,000 Sith Warriors. Killed more than 2 billion non-player characters in the eight days since Early Game Access began. It looks like this is the closest anyone has become to being a "WoW Killer". BioWare is claiming that Star Wars: The Old Republic is the fastest-growing MMO in history...

Capcom Is Opening A Bar

December 23, 2011 0 comments

The world is full of unsuspecting twists and turns, and today Capcom has announced one of those unsuspecting things at us. Capcom is combining alcohol and (hopefully) video games into one thing - a bar. Next year in Shinjuku, Tokyo Capcom will be opening a bar that will serve food and drinks inspired by their own games; maybe they will have Hadouken Punch with some Roll Cake as Guile's theme plays in the background. The bar is to open on January 25th in Shinjuku's Pasela Resort, so if any of you readers are in the vicinity, go check it out...

The Legend Of Zelda Timeline

December 23, 2011 0 comments

With the release of Hyrule Historia, fans are going crazy about the once very secretive Legend of Zelda timeline. Those crazy theories were actually correct on the timeline, especially the split time line. This is the official timeline that Eiji Aonuma has created....

Nintendo Misspelled 'November' On Calendar

December 22, 2011 5 comments

It seems like Nintendo has made a spelling error for the 2012 calendars that Elite Status Club Nintendo members received. "As you may have noticed, we misspelled one of the months on the Year-view Calendar insert, included alongside your 2012 Club Nintendo Calendar Elite Status gift. (It's the month between October and December.) We're really embarrassed and apologize for this oversight; we always want our rewards and gifts to be special. We would like to offer you a replacement Year-view Calendar insert." If you are really concerned about the spelling error, you can receive another copy of the 2012 Nintendo calendar by clicking on...

David Jaffe Needs Help With Twisted Metal Box Art

December 22, 2011 0 comments

David Jaffe, creator of Twisted Metal and God of War, needs help in deciding which box art should be used for Twisted Metal. If you head over to his blog, you can see the five different options he has for people to vote for. Which ever box art gets the most vote might be used for the final versi...

PlayStation Vita Launch Titles And Accessories

December 22, 2011 0 comments

In two months the PlayStation Vita will be hitting stores in North America and with that, Sony has announced the launch titles and accessories for when it comes out. SCEA Launch Day Titles Escape Plan (PSN Only) Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Hustle Kings (PSN Only) Little Deviants ModNation Racers: Road Trip Super StarDust Delta (PSN only) Uncharted: Golden Abyss Wipeout 2048 Launch Window Titles Gravity Rush MLB 12: The Show Reality Fighters Unit 13 Third-Party Publisher Launch Day Titles Army Corps of Hell (Square Enix, Inc.) Asphalt Injection (Ubisoft, Inc.) Ben10 Galactic Racing (D3 Publisher of America) Blazblue: Continuum Shift...

Arkham City Lock Down Update

December 22, 2011 0 comments

Finals are finally over, meaning I can now come back and start updating my blog in a fashionable order one again. To start things off, today I bring you news of an update for the Batman: Arkham City iOS version - Arkham City Lockdown. The update gives players the ability to swap outfits for the Caped Crusader. One costumes is the Batman: Earth One costume based off of the series that was promised, but never released. The developers travels back in time for the next costume as Batman sports his look from the 1970s. Costumes aren't the only thing that this update brings, it also allows iCloud, so you can save your game and pick it up from another...

Gears of War 3 Fenix Rising DLC Announced

December 21, 2011 0 comments

Epic has just announced the next set of Gears of War 3 DLC, named "Fenix Rising" which will contain new maps, characters and a whole new "Re-up" system to get you hardcore gear heads a chance to keep earning experience and to show off your dedication.Maps- Academy: The lineage of the Fenix family can be traced back along a distinguished line of military officers. Officer training at the Oracle Academy was simply the expected path for Marcus, and he had visited the grounds many times in expectation that he would walk the same path as his ancestors. But it was not to be, and Marcus broke with tradition to be with his best friends Dom and Carlos....

The Legend Of Zelda Time Line Revealed

December 20, 2011 0 comments

Eiji Aonuma And Miyamoto always remained strong at the hundreds of emails they'd receive about the timeline. They also said it would be kept secret, kept safe. But someone must have finally given into their fans shrieks of dismay, for it shall be revealed! In this lovely new book,you will be able to find out everything you probably wanted to know. There is no news on release dates, or if there will be an American adaptation, but hopefully it shall be translated soon enou...

Rocksteady Gives Free Batman Skin to Thank All Their Fans

December 20, 2011 0 comments

Arkham City has been given many high praises this year as one of the best games of 2011, and as a huge success, Rocksteady has written a letter to their fans wanted to thank us by releasing a new Batman skin, free of charge.The new Batman Inc. Skin will be available on all platforms and DLC, and as a bonus, Rocksteady has released an update that allows you to input a code on the menu screen that lets you choose to wear your favorite skin without having to beat the game first, that's old-school.To activate this cheat code, input the code on your d-pad on the main menu after selecting your save slot. You will receive an audio confirmation that...

8 Minute Footage Of Kingdom Hearts 3D

December 19, 2011 0 comments

Want to see some beautiful footage of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance? Well Square Enix has made it all possible. The Game has no release date for the West..but is going to be released sometime in March in Jap...

Team Fortress 2 Presents Australian Christmas!

December 17, 2011 0 comments

Valve is celebrating their second annual TF2 Christmas event, Australian style! Which means more Gordobot weapons, holiday themed items, and a whole new Map. This is Australian Christmas.Engineer and Pyro have gotten brand new Dr. Gordobot item sets for themselves. Pyro gets the Moonman pack and Engy gets the Brainiac Pack.They both get a new primary, secondary, melee, hat and misc. items that have a futuristic and alien-like theme. You can check their weapons on the TF2 Wiki.Christmas time calls for Christmas items, and Valve has created a whole bunch of community items for the holiday season. This also means new crates! There is the new Naughty...

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