Rumors have been going around that a Watchmen sequel was going to be announced today, the rumor was only half true though. DC has announced today a new comic series titled Before Watchmen, which are prequels to the hit Watchmen series that came out in 1986.
Modding for Skyrim will be easier for modders as Bethesda is releasing a Skyrim Creation Kit that allows users to mess around with their world.
Capcom has announced today that Resident Evil 6 will be coming out this November as it is currently still in development; a trailer has also been released.
The winners have been announced and the trailers have been shown at this years Video Game Awards; meaning many of complaints were heard and then were calmed during this years Video Game Advertisements..
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?
The Wolverine
What I'm interested in this movies is the setting. This is suppose to take place during Wolverine's stay in Japan, which means no X-Men characters, or no more of this:
This will bring about a lot of interesting characters though. Mariko could be in it along with Silver Samurai, or maybe Itsu will show her face meaning hopefully Daken will have a cameo and possibly the Winter Soldier? I'm probably just getting my hopes up.
Fear Itself
So far we basically know that Fear Itself is about:
-Sin, the Red Skull's daughter finding the Norse God of Fear.
-The God of fear makes people around the world freak out and face their fears.
-God of Fear's hammers drop, the 8 most worthy will be found.
-Dracula is involved
-Seven issues long
Some speculation has been going around that the Juggernaut on the cover of Book Two could be in fact Colossus OR that Cain dies in this event and Colossus becomes the new Juggernaut. Such speculation is because of this poster Marvel released the other day:
So, who are the worthy? And who will come on top? And what is up with Juggernaut? Guess we will find out this April and in the months to come.
Infested to Spider Island
Marvel has announced the next event for Spider-Man, Spider Island. Infested will be a group of short stories leading up to Spider Island In Amazing Spider-Man #659. Not too much is known about both stories, but these posters gives an intriguing insight on them.
Pokemon Victini Trailer
We're 10 days away from the release of Black & White and we've got a trailer for the lovable Psychic and Fire type - Victini. And don't forget, you have only till April 10th to get Victini.
Dead Space 2 Does Care
EA has finally showed some love for their PC users by giving us a patch update. If you have Dead Space 2 on Steam, you don't get the update yet, it's getting some final touches, but don't worry. The update includes:
* The Elite Engineering Suit will now appear properly after
completing a full-playthrough of the Single Player Campaign.
* Save games will now be recorded, and deducted, properly when
playing the Single Player Campaign in Hardcore mode.
* Support for mouse button binding to movement keys & allowing up
to 8 mouse buttons + mouse button de-bounce fixes
* Unlocks suit and weapon packs which will now be available at the
in-game store at zero cost for players
It took awhile, but we finally got something. We just better get the DLC now.
To download the update, here's a link:
Age of Apocalypse Against the X-Force
Notice the lack of Archangel in the picture? I wonder what that means.
Coming Up Luigi
Pokemon Black and White Bundle
Fantastic Four Ending
This comic brought a good amount of emotion without words, I got goosebumps once or twice.
I first chose my character as a Rogue that specialized in Marksman (ranged weapons) Ranger (having pets) and a Saboteur (explosives). And each level, you get to add points to your Soul Tree, leveling up my Marksman, Ranger and Saboteur.
The game was pretty damn fun and highly enjoyable. And the best part; it's not WoW. The characters, models and textures are more diverse than World of Warcraft and the storyline along with it's game play is way more vast. The only problem I have with Rift is it's 15 dollar monthly fee. If there wasn't a fee, then I would buy Rift without a doubt.
Expect it in stores March 1 and preorder now for a head start.
Week Roundup
New screen shots of Arkham City has been released last Wednesday, hopefully you guys will get the Black Mask picture.
A lot of buzz has been surrounding Dead Island. The Call of Juarez makers, Techland, has finally picked up Dead Island after a hiatus of three years. The trailer looks absolutely beautiful and sad at the same time.
Along with the game, a rumor has been going out that the publishers of Dead Island are considering a movie adaptation, despite the many zombies movies that are already out. If a movie will happen, hopefully they will bring something new to the table and will not be a typical zombie movie.
As everyone knows, MvC3 came out this week and so far it's doing incredible. I've got my copy for my PS3 practicing until I'm good enough for online play.
If you haven't heard, today is Link's birthday, along with Zelda, Hyrule and other proper nouns in the Legend of Zelda universe. They all turn 25 today, 25 years since it's release in Japan. The Legend of Zelda is a top selling game that continues to grow and will most likely grow even more for God knows how long.
In the world of comics, many 90's kids childhood memories will be coming back at them. Duck Tales will be getting it's own ongoing series written by Epic Mickey's Warren Spector. Watch it hit stores this May, along with tons of near 15-20 year old people drooling over this new Duck Tales adaptation.
The first Fear Itself comic hits shelves March 16 with it's prologue. The prologue gives us the background of Marvel's upcoming event with the comic revolving around the Red Skull. And I've got some previews for you.
The Amazing Spider-Man
MvC3: Guitar Hero
Qui-Gon Back In Action
Moon Knight's New Personas
Well, looks like this comic is finally explained. Let me give you a brief summary, this is how it goes: Moon Knight is moving to the West Coast - Los Angeles - since there are too many Avengers in New York. And now Moon Knight is more crazy in the head, because his multiple personality disorder now consists of Spider-Man, Wolverine and Captain America. Along with that, he has these "Avengers" meetings inside of his head.
Now this can be good, or this can be bad. Depends on how you look at it. What I want to know is that, what happens to his other personalities? Either way, I think this will be awesome. Moon Knight is a bad ass to me, and I will be getting this comic without a doubt. If you want to read more, check out this link:
Oh, and here's a little preview.
Crysis 2 Trailer
Seems like Crytek did an excellent job on their next big project, I'm amazed by how well they upped the Unreal engine. And the new abilities you get, like the sliding, looks like Crytek is bringing something new to the table. If I have left over money, I'm totally adding this to my shelf. I honestly thought that Crysis 2 was to come out later on in this year, but it comes out March 22nd.
X-Men First Class Trailer
What I like is that there are some lesser known heroes, like Pixie for example. Never in a million years would I suspect her to be in a movie. I'm still a bit skeptical, but my fingers are crossed. Maybe it will be better than I expected.
GamersGate Beating Steam?
Basically GamersGate, another digital copy distributor, thinks that they can beat Steam in sales. Hmmm, how many companies have said that and failed? Oh yeah, all other digital distributors.
I especially love this quote here; "many gamers out there don't like Steam and see GamersGate as a better alternative." There is no proof of that and therefore is opinionated.
Honestly, I don't think this will beat Steam, Steam has been growing strong and has many increases in sales throughout it's time. If GamersGate does beat Steam, it won't be for a long time I assume.
The Future Foundation
And if you're a Spider-Man fan, then you'll definitely will be interested since he's no longer one of the members outside of the 4. It seems like he'll be taking over Johnny's spot in this comic.
Expect this new fantastic team to hit shelves this March.
The new costume designs are nice; totally different than the blue. But it looks like Doom is still keeping his costume with no new upgrades. Spider-Man has always done a good job filling in for the Fantastic Four or teaming up with them, too bad the other smart mouth of the Fantastic Four isn't around anymore. Both the Human Torch and Spider-Man would have great dialogue.
Point One Initiative For A Dollar
Every week from February to April, Marvel will be releasing 11 titles for just a buck. And these aren't cheap little 10 paged comics, these are actual full on standard 24 paged comics. The current selection for February are:
Iron Man #500.1
Amazing Spider-Man #654.1
Wolverine #5.1
Captain America #615.1
Deadpool #32.1
Hulk #30.1
Thor #620.1
Uncanny X-Force #5.1
Avengers #12.1
Secret Avengers #11.1
Uncanny X-Men #534.1
Iron Man gave us a catch up/origin of Stark. And the other Point Ones are suppose to be the same thing. If you want to get into comics, a good time would be to start with these selections. I'm sure going to go pick myself up some of these.
Short But Sweet News
- Club Nintendo has added Super Smash Bros. to the list of prices members can get. The game will only cost you 200 coins. 9/5/2012
- The Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Link will be coming out on the 3DS on Steptember 13th. - 9/5/2012
- Starting May 20 the DSi and DSi XL will drop from $149 to $99 Nintendo announced today. - 5/10/2012
- For those who pre-ordered Guild Wars 2, you will be able to access the beta version of the game starting April 27 until April 29. - 4/18/2012
- EA has announced today that Mass Effect 3 has shipped 3.5 million copies. - 3/9/2012
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